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Full Lace Wig vs Lace Front Wig,Which one is Better?

Last updated Aug 2, 2024

There is a vast variety and wide range of real human hair wigs available on the market. People who decide to buy wigs are sometimes confused about a full lace wig and a lace front wig. So what is the difference? Which one is better, a full lace wig vs a lace frontal wig?

What is a Full Lace Wig?

what is a full lace wig

A full lace wig is constructed from a lace cap that covers the whole head and the 100% human hair is hand-knotted into the entire wig with invisible lace mesh.

On standard full lace wigs, there is a strip of stretch lace over the top of the crown to allow for movement such as hair growth underneath, and for variations in head size.

What is a Lace Front Wig?

what is a lace front wig

Human hair lace front wigs have a small sheer lace panel along the front hairline attached to the front of the wig.

Which One is Better, Full Lace Wigs or Front Lace Wigs?

Type Full Lace Wig Lace Front Wig
Lace Design The lace base covers the whole head The lace only at the front of the wig
Versatility Parting decisions are not limited Middle part and side part
Durability Can last up to a year Can last up to a year
Cost Expensive Affordable

Lace Base Design

Full lace wigs come with a base that is made entirely of lace. The lace material essentially covers the whole head even all the way to the back.


Full lace wigs use more lace, which makes full lace wigs more expensive than a lace front wig.


A lace front wig uses a sheer lace base for the front portion of the wig. The rest of the base is made of a silk net but still comfortable material.

full lace wig design

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Lace front wigs look very natural towards the front because the lace is almost invisible. The hair can be parted in the middle or on the sides. Also, lace front wigs are attached to your head with an adhesive only along your hairline above your forehead.

Full lace wigs are more versatile because you can also style them into up-dos, braids, and many other hairstyles which is not quite so with the front lace wig such as a high ponytail. It just gives you more natural flexibility.


The modern lace front wigs and full lace wigs are extremely durable. With proper care, they can last upward of six months to a year. Of course, full 360 lace wigs can be used longer than lace frontals. It is recommended to buy the proper wigs and take care of them.

How to Choose, Lace Front Wig or Full Lace Wig?

lace front wig style

Credit: unice.com

1. If you have enough budget and want to go for more versatile hairstyles, it is a great option for you to choose a human hair full lace wig.

2. If you want to wear a wig with better breathability and durability and plan to wear it for all your daily exercises, it is best to buy a full lace wig.

3. If you are concerned about the price but still want to buy a high-quality wig, it can be a wise choice for you to buy a lace front wig.

4. If you are a beginner who hasn't tried a lace wig before and worries about complicated installation, we think the front lace wig will be your ideal choice.

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