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Difference Between Curly and Wavy Hair

Last updated Jun 27, 2024

Curly vs Wavy Hair, the two terms often used together to describe hair type, "Curly hair" and "wavy hair" are often used interchangeably, but there are some differences between curly hair and wavy hair weave. What is the difference between curly and wavy hair? In this blog, we will talk about this question, keep reading. 

Wavy Hair

wavy hair

Wavy human hair weave tends to form in a loose S-shape, but the hair type can possess similar characteristics to straight hair (a slight, smooth wave) or curly hair (a tighter S-shape). 

The Advantages of Wavy Hair 

Wavy hair is a beautiful hair type to have. Waves can support a variety of looks, from carefree and beachy to sleek and classy.

Like most hair types, wavy hair can be fine, medium-textured, or thick and coarse.

Wavy weave hair is not straight. It is not curly either. However, it has hints of curls, and this is seen in the form of waves in otherwise straight hair. Wavy hair does not have spirals that are the chief characteristic of curly hair.

Wavy hair is characteristic of Asian people, and such hair forms more waves after washing and drying. 

Disadvantages of Wavy Hair

Most people from African countries having Negro ancestry have curly bundle hair. 

Curly hair

curly hair

Curly virgin hair is sexy and thick. However, curly hair morphs into a frizzy tangle monster.

Advantages of Curly Hair

Curly hair tends to have tighter curls, so the hair would be more bouncy.  

Curly weft hair is more curly than wavy. Curly has curls, wavy has waves. Curls curl all the way around while waves don't.

The texture of curly hair is coarse like wool. People belonging to warm and humid climates often seem to have curly hair.

Curly natural hair is often thought of as coarse in texture, but it is actually soft. It also has a reputation for being thick; while that is often true, curly hair also can be fine.

Most people from African countries having Negro ancestry have curly hair. 

Disadvantages of Curly Weaving Hair 

Curly hair may look bold and fierce, but it's actually quite fragile. Curly hair, whether fine, medium, or coarse, is more prone to breakage than straight or wavy. Every point where curly hair bends or twists is a weak point in the strand, so being gentle with curly locks is the best way to tame your mane. 

Difference Between Curly and Wavy Hair Extensions 

Although curly hair and wavy hair hairstyles are thought by many people to be the same, wavy hair is actually a type of curly hair. Curly types and wavy types of hair differ in curl tightness, thickness, and textures. The difference between wavy and curly is that usually to me if someone says curly hair I think really curly. With wavy, it's not bunched up or anything. And it's pretty straight at the top but at the end sort of like it flows. 

• Curly hair is kinky having close curls like that in the spring. 

• Wavy hair lies in between straight and curly hair and does not have curls but has zigzag pasterns that make them wavy.

• Curls start right next to the scalp, and such hair is thick and coarse whereas wavy hair is straighter and softer. The texture of wavy hair is thin.

• Curly black hairstyles are hard to tame yet many people go for curls in hair as they like them

• It is difficult to comb curly hair when they are dry 

Curly extensions will stay really curly over the course of about 2 days-3 days, wavy hair just sorta floats in these little curves....also, curly hair is usually a lot thicker than wavy hair, which tends to be fine

Curly hair sew in has more tight spiral-like curls while wavy hair has just a hint of curl. In other words wavy hair is not straight but it is not curly either.

Wavy hair is in between curly and straight hair. Instead of being very tight curls, wavy hair is looser but still has some roundness to it.

Video Tutorials for Wavy and Curly Hair

Curly Hair Routine 

DIY| The Perfect Fall/Autumn Curly Fro with UNice Brazilian Curly Hair

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