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UNice Empower Your Cure Event

Last updated Nov 27, 2024

On November 15th, UNice Hair held an event called "EMPOWER YOUR CURE" in Brooklyn, New York. The day's event was successfully completed. Now please follow my footsteps and walk into the UNice flower workshop to review this event.

UNice Empower Your Cure Event

A Pleasant Healing Journey

For this event, we invite all hairstylists in New York City to come and participate in this healing journey. This event is to express our gratitude to hairstylists. Thanks to them for their inspiration and ideas for improving our products.

We hope that through this event, hairstylists will have a beautiful, calm and relaxing day, and pay more attention to self-health, self-care and self-appreciation. Every invited participant at the event has rich experience in wig styling. On the day, we experienced flower arrangement, and tea tasting together, discussed the fun, and felt the self-evident power of wigs.

UNice Event with hair stylists

UNice is Always on the Road

UNice cherishes the talent of every creative hairstylist. "UNice hairhas been deeply involved in the wig industry for many years. With the launch of our rebrand and a renewed focus on how to innovate in the wig industry, we realized how important it is to build a brand by building a community of expert hairstylists who are passionate about the industry and driven towards high standards," said Autumn Smith, Brand manager of UNice.

Therefore, we held this event in Brooklyn in the hope of creating a healthy, happy, and relaxed community for hairstylists.

unice flower arrangement activity

UNice hopes to use this activity to connect with hairstylists and enhance everyone’s healing power. Finally, thanks to all the participants of this event for allowing us to complete this wonderful experience together. At the same time, we also would like to thank all customers for their attention to UNice Hair. We will continue to innovate and launch more fashionable and comfortable wigs.

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