Do you want to change your appearance by straightening your wig and styling your hair no matter what you want? Do you want to save the time, money, and energy you may have to spend in a salon to straighten your hair? Now keep reading to learn more about how to straighten your wig at your home whether it is a human hair wig or a synthetic wig.
As we all know, we can straighten most human hair wigs by ourselves, such as HD lace wigs, headband wigs, and so on, except the synthetic wigs made from plastic fibers. You can not straighten them with a hair straightener on account of the sensitivity to high temperatures. Luckily, some heat-resistant synthetic wigs are coming into existence as the situation requires in the wig market. Here are some tips about how to straighten human hair wigs and heat-resistant synthetic wigs in the following.
Do a strand test and make sure whether your wig can be directly heated or not, especially a synthetic wig. In fact, a majority of synthetic wigs are made from some synthetic fiber or plastic materials so you can not heat them. However, some high-quality synthetic wigs can be heated. In order to make it clear whether your synthetic wig can be heated or not, you could take a strand test in advance. For example, you can use a flat iron to heat a small piece of hair to test if it is scorched or not. If it is not burning, you can continue to use a flat iron on it; on the contrary, you can’t use it anymore.
Place the wig on a styrofoam wig head to help the wig maintain its shape when you straighten it. Of course, you had better take some long straight pins into the styrofoam head to keep the wig in place, especially when combing and straightening. Besides, don’t forget to spray it with some heat protectant product that can lock in moisture and create a barrier from the roots to the ends, which can protect hairs from heat damage to some extent.
Heat the wig to a proper temperature. When it comes to heat temperatures, the one thing you have to know is that a regular hair straightener can get up to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. There is no doubt that it is too high for any curly human hair wig. Therefore, the best temperature for straightening a wig is between 230 degrees Fahrenheit and 250 degrees Fahrenheit. What is most important, you must make sure the wig is completely dry before heating it.
Use a wide-toothed comb to comb hair gently and patiently to remove all frizzy knots and tangles. One way to keep wigs from tangling is to use a wide-tooth comb to style a lace front wig rather than use a regular comb, which makes it easy to tear the wig cap or damage the hair fibers. And it is worth noticing that you never brush wigs when they are wet, especially human hair wigs. After all, the hair is extremely fragile when it is wet, so you can brush it when dry. Finally, you never brush the hair from the top of the wig to the end, which will cause tangle worse easily and even lead to excessive shedding.
Take a small piece of hair and start straightening from the top to the ends. Because the wig will get very hot in the procedure of straightening hair, you can wear a heat-resistant glove so that you can’t accidentally hurt yourself. Then you can repeat these straightening actions until you finish straightening your whole wig.
Use a wide-toothed comb to comb hair gently and evenly after cooling and drying the whole wig. And if you want to keep the wig straight for a longer time, you can spray some styling spray on your wig.
If you want to learn more about how to use a flat iron to straighten a curly wig, you can watch the video in the following.
Prepare the hot water to a specific temperature range. On the one hand, you need to prepare a large pot of hot water beforehand so that you can have enough water to try how to straighten your wig without heat. After all, the longer your wig is, the more water you will need. On the other hand, you must get the water temperature between 160 degrees Fahrenheit and 180 degrees Fahrenheit. If the water is not hot enough, you can’t straighten your synthetic wig with hot water, while if it is much too hot, it will cause the fibers of your wig to melt.
Put your wig on a styrofoam head with some pins and run a wide-toothed comb through your wig gently to avoid any knots and tangles. It is worth emphasizing that if your wig is wet or not completely dry, you can not brush it. It is easy to lead to frizzy and damaged fibers when brushing wet hair.
Pour hot water emitting the stream over your wig evenly. Only in this case, the stream can soften the texture of your wig and help mold the shape.
Repeat the process if it is necessary. If you want to get the ideal result, you can use the method to straighten your wig two or more times. After finishing straightening your wig and drying the wig, you can apply some spray or wig conditioner to the wig and gently comb through the wig to remove any tangles.
Apply some spray or hair conditioner to your wig and wait for the wig to dry to comb the hair in order to prevent it from tangles and knots.
Would you ever try these methods to straighten your wig? I believe you can straighten your wig perfectly and have a fabulous look whether your wig is a lace front wig or a no lace wig. Now let us have a try and enjoy the charm of straight hair!
Wearing a Wig with Long Hair: Tips and Tricks
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