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How Long Does It Take for Hair to Grow

Last updated Jul 1, 2024

Hair loss and going to the barbershop and having your hair cut and ruined are painful, and we've all experienced these things. Like the hair stylist cutting off much more hair than you expected, or, the massive amount of hair breakage from bleaching your hair multiple times. Waiting for your hair to grow back is a long time - so how long does it take for your hair to return to its original length?

How does hair grow?

How does hair grow?

According to experts, hair grows at least half an inch per month on average. Hair grows from follicles on the scalp. There are about 5 million hair follicles on the body, with about 100,000 on the scalp.

Each strand of hair grows in 4 stages.

●The growth phase. During this period new hair growth pushes old follicles up and out of the follicle, and this phase lasts from 2 to 8 years.

●Transitional phase. This transitional phase occurs when the hair stops growing and lasts about 4 to 6 weeks.

●Resting phase. The resting phase occurs when the hair neither grows nor sheds and is when the body prepares to shed hair and begin a new growth cycle that lasts 2 to 3 months.

●Alopecia phase. During this period you will lose about 100 hairs per day and this phase lasts for a few days.

How long does it take for hair to grow back?

How long does it take for hair to grow back?

Hair has its own growth cycle and this cycle is often very slow. Also, hair growth is affected by a number of factors, so each person's hair growth rate will vary somewhat. Studies have shown that Asian hair grows about 0.49 inches (inches) per month or less than 6 inches per year; black hair grows about 0.33 inches per month or less than 4 inches per year; white and Latino hair grows about 0.44 inches per month or 5.3 inches per year, and the rate of hair growth decreases after age 30. Again, how long it takes for the hair to grow back depends on the underlying cause of your hair loss.

Genetic hair loss

As you age, some hair follicles stop producing hair. This is known as genetic hair loss, pattern hair loss, or androgenetic alopecia. This type of hair loss is usually permanent, which means the hair you lose will not grow back.

However, if you catch it early, you may be able to slow or prevent further hair loss with prescription treatments or topical treatment for hereditary hair loss called minoxidil (Rogaine). Nutritional supplements, as well as platelet-rich plasma therapy, may also be options for early-stage hair loss.

Pemphigus vulgaris

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the hair follicles. Hair usually falls out in small patches on the scalp, but hair loss may also occur on other parts of the body, such as the eyebrows, eyelashes, arms or legs.
Alopecia areata is unpredictable. Hair may begin to grow back at any time, but it may also fall out again. It is not known when it may fall out or grow back.

Psoriasis of the scalp

Psoriasis is also an autoimmune disease that causes scaly red patches on the skin. Scalp psoriasis can cause temporary hair loss. If you scratch your scalp to relieve the itching or remove the scales it can make the situation worse. Once you have relieved the condition by treating your psoriasis and stop scratching your scalp, your hair will begin to grow.

Thyroid problems

Thyroid problems

Conditions with too much (hyperthyroidism) or too little (hypothyroidism) thyroid hormones can cause hair loss. Once thyroid disorders are successfully treated, hair usually grows back.

Hormonal changes

Hair loss can also occur after childbirth or during menopause due to hormonal changes. Hair loss due to hormonal changes and imbalances is temporary, but it is still difficult to predict when hair will start to grow back.

Nutritional deficiencies

Not getting enough iron, biotin or zinc in your diet over a long period of time can also lead to hair loss. Timely correction of the diet can allow hair to grow back. However, it still takes some time and may take several months for growth to begin.


With the development of society, more and more people are suffering from hair loss due to excessive stress. Stress-related hair loss, also known as alopecia areata, usually starts 2 to 3 months after a stressful event and can last up to 6 months. If you are in a very stressful situation for a long time, hair loss can last for years.

What can make hair grow back faster?

There is no relevant science to speed up your hair growth, and no hair care products, supplements, or other interventions can make your hair grow more than 1/2 inch per month. However, in order to promote healthy, normal hair growth, maintaining a proper hair care routine is key. You may be able to reduce certain types of hair loss or strengthen your hair to reduce breakage.

How can I promote healthy hair?

How can I promote healthy hair?

Stimulating hair follicles is the same as far as hair type and texture are concerned. Creating a healthy environment for hair growth is the best way to stimulate hair growth. Healthy hair is all about growing long hair. Here are five things you can do to support hair follicles and promote healthy hair

Get regular trims

Any hairstylist will tell you that regular trimming is a must if you want to grow your hair long. Trimming will get rid of split ends. The fewer split ends you have, the faster your hair will grow.
It is important to keep the ends trimmed and healthy, some people don't cut their hair once for months, but this can cause hair to tear upwards and can reduce the solid girth that makes hair look long. We recommend that you get your hair trimmed regularly every 6 to 8 weeks.

Eat a healthy, balanced diet

Do your best to make sure you are eating a balanced, nutritious diet that is high in omega-3 fatty acids, protein and a healthy dose of essential minerals and vitamins such as vitamin E. Hair health starts from the inside out, and the right foods will not only make you healthier but will also promote healthy hair growth.

Reduce Stress

Chronic stress is not only bad for your health, but also for your hair. The stress hormone cortisol can actually affect the hair as it exits the growth phase and enters the resting phase prematurely, leading to hair loss. If you want your hair to grow faster, it's important to reduce stress.

Taking care of your hair

Give your scalp a massage when you wash your hair to encourage blood flow to the follicles, and use a sulfate-free shampoo and a conditioner with vitamin E or keratin. For scalp psoriasis, a dermatologist can prescribe a medicated shampoo. Also, avoid using harsh chemicals or excessive heat on your hair and skin.


Hair growth is slow and under normal circumstances stable. With the right diet, hair care routine and enough patience, your hair can grow long.

Everyone's hair typically regrows at a rate of about 6 inches per year. If your hair is falling out, it is still important to consult a professional doctor to know the cause and treat the problem.

Healthy hair grows faster, so if you want your hair to grow longer, start treating your hair seriously now. It may take some time, but if you take care of yourself and your hair, then you'll all be healthier when those new hairs grow out.

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