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Food Diets That Can Ruin Your Hairs

Last updated Jun 27, 2024

A healthy diet is important for every part of your body, and what you eat affects every aspect of your life. It can have an impact on healthy hair. In addition, certain foods may increase the risk of hair loss, such as simple carbohydrates, including refined sugar and grains. If you are concerned about hair loss or thinning hair, you should know as much hair health information as possible, we sincerely want you to know how your diet can help your hair, and how your hair can be damaged by a poor diet.

The Basics Of Diet and Hair Health


Now, having said all that, a natural question is, how to control hair loss? First, let's look at the basic connections between diet and hair health.

Nutrition is a complex subject—the effects of incorrect nutrition are often slow to emerge. Hair, in particular, is slow to respond to any stimulus. Healthy-looking hair is often a sign of good health and good hair care habits.


Most healthy people have adequate nutrients in their diet; however, some people do not get good nutrition, while others suffer from medical conditions that predispose them to nutritional deficiencies that affect scalp/body hair. Tests have shown that the right nutrition contributes to healthy hair growth, and correspondingly, many defects are associated with hair loss.

From this, diet certainly has an impact on hair health. If you have certain nutritional deficiencies, your hair may become dry and sticky, and you may even experience some hair loss. Because the hair gets its nutrients from the blood under the scalp, the roots of the hair are located inside the follicles.

Foods That May Aggravate Hair Loss


Now that you understand the relationship and impact between diet and hair health, let's read on to see what foods include potentially negative effects on hair health and growth.

1. Simple carbohydrates


A trusted study suggests that simple carbohydrates may contribute to hair loss. Simple carbohydrate foods increase the production of sebum, an oily substance released by glands attached to hair follicles, the authors say. While sebum is good for hair health, the excess can lead to inflammation that can be detrimental to hair health.


In addition, sugary foods can also cause the pancreas to increase the production of the hormone insulin, which can negatively affect blood vessels in the scalp. A high intake of sugar spikes the sugar level in your blood and affects your hair follicles which result in hair loss.


Therefore, you should avoid eating too many simple carbohydrates like sweets, cakes, and cookies. These foods also include refined grains, such as white rice, pasta, or bread. Complex carbohydrates are a more nutritious alternative, including whole grains, legumes, and vegetables.

2. Fish high in mercury


A case report of two women with hair loss found high levels of mercury in their blood from eating fish. Hair loss improved when they reduced their intake of mercury-rich fish.

Nutrition experts still recommend eating 2-3 servings of fish per week due to its high nutritional value. Therefore, sticking to fish that are low in mercury, such as tuna, salmon, and cod, may benefit people with hair loss.


This may be shocking, but it is—Seafood is rich in mercury, one of the most dangerous metals on Earth to humans. It can poison your kidneys and nervous system, and cause baldness and thinning hair.

While we are not saying every ounce of seafood is bad, there are some fish you should avoid. The biggest cause of high mercury levels in seafood is pollution. The larger and older the fish, the higher its mercury content.


The good news is that we have plenty of fish that are also good for hair health. So if you're going to a seafood restaurant, make sure you order fish rich in omega-3 and omega-6, such as salmon, sardines, and herring.

3. Alcohol


Alcohol may not be directly related to your hair health, but it does affect your hair health indirectly. Heavy drinking can lead to nutritional deficiencies, which is one of the reasons for thinning hair, hair loss, or baldness.


However, if you can find supplements that you've lost elsewhere, or if you can manage to provide yourself with these nutrients in other ways, then go ahead and make the party hard. For your information, the nutrients lost due to alcohol are iron, zinc, copper, and protein.

So you can keep looking for your replacement for a better party life, or get ready for your thinning hair.

4. Fried foods and red meat


Fried food is not as innocent as it seems. An earlier study suggested eating less fried foods and red meat to keep your hair healthy. According to the study authors, these foods may negatively affect hair health.

It is true that oils are good for our hair health, but not in excess. Eating a lot of oil can lead to excess oil in the hair, which can clog pores on the scalp and reduce hair follicle growth.


Fried foods and red meat can cause hair thinning and increase the rate of hair loss, but as I said before, excess of anything is bad, so if you like fried foods, it's best to check your consumption. If you can maintain your intake limits, they are not harmful. Your hair will be completely safe.

5. Salt


Salt builds up around hair follicles, affecting hair growth and drying it out. Salt is also rich in sodium, dehydrating your hair. It also causes a lot of pee to release potassium from our body, one of the most important nutrients for our hair growth and health.


There is indeed no exact substitute for salt, but we can choose to control the amount of salt we eat every day, we can ignore packaged foods that contain a lot of salt, and can replace them with green healthy foods that benefit our health.

6. Calcium-deficient foods


Calcium is an essential requirement for healthy and shiny hair. Calcium deficiency can have adverse effects on hair and nails. Your diet can benefit from calcium-rich foods such as milk, cheese, and other dairy products.



Certain diets and foods may affect hair loss. Nutrient-dense foods, especially those high in micronutrients like vitamins B and C, can prevent hair loss and improve hair health. These foods include green leafy vegetables, fruits, and nuts. However, related research is still in its infancy. Following basic hair care tips, such as avoiding products that damage your hair, will also help reduce your risk of hair loss.


We hope this article helped you decide and understand which foods are good for you and which are not. If you find this helpful, please share it with your family and friends and educate them on how to maintain healthy hair. If you are interested in this topic or have any questions, don't hesitate to leave a comment below our article!

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