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How to Relieve Your Itchy Scalp?

Last updated Jun 24, 2024

An itchy scalp, also known as pruritus scalp, is a common scalp problem. In addition to making people feel uncomfortable, it is sometimes accompanied by the fall of dandruff, which significantly affects appearance and social interaction. Many people suffer from itchy scalps all the time, which makes them feel very sad and depressed. If you also struggle with an itchy scalp and are looking for remedies to ease itching, then you are in the right place. In today's article, we will introduce you to some ways to relieve an itchy scalp, so read carefully.

What Causes An Itchy Scalp?

Before understanding how to relieve an itchy scalp, let's look at the causes of an itchy scalp.

1. Scalp flora imbalance


If your scalp can coexist peacefully with microbes, Malassezia, Staphylococcus, etc., this means that your scalp flora is balanced and your scalp is healthy. But if the scalp flora is out of balance, the scalp and hair follicles will be weak, which will stimulate scalp oil production, leading to excessive fungal growth and scalp inflammation and infection, and you will then feel an itchy scalp.

2. Scalp oil and water imbalance


When we feel that our hair is very oily, we usually think that frequent shampooing will help us change this phenomenon, but the opposite is true. When we wash our hair frequently, the natural oils produced by our scalp are excessively removed, eventually creating a water-oil imbalance that causes the sebaceous glands to produce more oil to inhibit excessive water loss from the skin mucosa, which not only increases dandruff but also causes itchy scalp problems.

3. Allergic reactions


Allergic reactions are also a cause of an itchy scalp. In order to follow the trend or to make ourselves look new, we will perm, dye, and bleach our hair, etc. Because these perms, and dyes contain a lot of chemicals, you may have an allergic reaction to these things, which can cause your scalp to itch. In addition, if your scalp is particularly sensitive, some of the hair care products you use regularly can also give you an allergic reaction and make your scalp itchy.

4. External stimulation


If you like to wash your hair with very hot water and scratch your scalp with your fingernails, then your scalp will become more and more fragile, which will not only make your scalp itchy but also cause your scalp to become red and swollen. In addition, our fingers and nail crevices carry bacteria, if your scalp is picked, sebaceous material gets on your fingers and your fingers go to touch other parts of your scalp, it will make the whole scalp infected, which will make your scalp feel extra itchy.

5. Too-tight hairstyles


Hairstyles that are tied too tightly are also one of the causes of itchy scalp. Wearing your hair up all day, or in styles that are too tight or heavy like braids, buns, extensions, and braids, can pull on the follicles, causing stress and scarring over time, leading to hair thinning and hair loss. In addition, a hairstyle that is too tight can also pull the hair and surrounding nerves and muscles in unnatural directions, leaving your scalp sore and feeling itchy from time to time when you let your hair out.

How to Relieve Your Itchy Scalp At Home?

After understanding the reasons for an itchy scalp, would you like to know how to soothe an itchy scalp? Now, here are some ways to relieve an itchy scalp, let's take a look.

1. Use apple cider vinegar


If you want to relieve an itchy scalp, then you must not pass up apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal properties, which can help reduce itching caused by dry skin. If you are interested in this method, you can dilute ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of water, apply the mixture evenly on the scalp, wait for 10 minutes, and finally rinse with water. For best results, you can use it twice a week.

2. Use tea tree oil


Tea tree oil has powerful antifungal properties that can assist in treating dandruff by fighting flake-forming yeast, thus relieving an itchy scalp. Additionally, it can also moisturize and nourish the scalp and eliminate dryness. If you want to try this method, you can apply a few drops of the oil directly on your scalp, then will massage it for a few minutes and leave it on your scalp overnight and finally rinse your hair the next morning. In order to get better results, you can repeat this twice or three times a week.

3. Use aloe vera


We all know that aloe vera is good for the skin, but do you know it's good for our scalp too? Known for its antiseptic, antifungal, and antibacterial properties, aloe vera promotes healthy scalp and hair by fighting scalp infections and dandruff. At the same time, it also helps relieve itching and irritation of the scalp due to infection. If you want to try this method, you can buy some aloe vera gel and apply it on your scalp, wait 15 to 20 minutes, and finally, rinse with warm water to make sure all the gel is washed off.

4. Apply baking soda


If you're looking for relief from an itchy scalp, why not consider baking soda? Known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties, baking soda kills harmful microbes on the scalp that cause scalp infections and itching, thereby relieving an itchy scalp and giving you a healthy scalp. If you are attracted to this method, you can take 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda, then mix it with water and make a paste, apply this paste evenly on the scalp, wait for 10 to 15 minutes, and finally rinse off with water.


After reading this article, you must have a good idea of how to relieve an itchy scalp. Give these methods a try. More importantly, if you still can't solve the problem of an itchy scalp after using these methods, then you must go to the hospital to consult a professional doctor. In addition, if you have other ways to ease your itchy scalp, you can share them with us in the comment area.

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