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Everything You Must Know About LOC Method

Last updated Jul 5, 2024

One hair care method that has been tested and proven effective by experts is the LOC hair method, which details the exact sequence of products that should be applied for bouncy coily hair or curly hair. Your natural hair can lose moisture when you wash or go out because they tend to dry out. If you have dry hair, it may be difficult to have healthy hair growth. This is where the LOC method comes in! Let's read on for specific information about LOC hair care methods.

What Is The LOC Method?


LOC, short for leave-in conditioner, oil, and cream, is a surefire way to keep your hair hydrated and accelerate its natural growth. The name itself indicates the products curly hair should be applied to, and the order in which they should be applied, making it an easy-to-remember method.

What separates the LOC method from other shampoo or styling routines that use hair products for no reason is that careful consideration is given to layering products in a way that maximizes moisture retention.

1. Leaves-out conditioner / Liquid


More specifically, the term L in the LOC method generally refers to water or a water-based conditioning hairspray. Leave-in conditioners are also usually water-based, and the texture can feel watery, creamy, creamy, foamy, whipped, or like a light custard or pudding.

2. Oil


The term O in the LOC method is hair oil. The beauty of the oil is that it helps the hair stay moisturized for longer by creating a layer around the hair shaft that prevents moisture from escaping.

3. Cream


The term C in the LOC method, i.e. creams, has a similar effect, but as the last step of the LOC method, they should be the heaviest. Whether your hair prefers a thick moisturizer with a texture like a smoothie or butter, this final step ensures your hair retains as much moisture as possible on the shaft.

Who Should Do The LOC Method?


There are many factors that affect the moisture retention of your hair, and even with climate change, your hair may lose moisture. The LOC method is best for hair with high porosity or hair that always feels dry. However, keep in mind that porosity can play an important role in judging whether this method is right for you.

No matter what your curl pattern is, if your hair is chemically or color-treated, you may have high porosity and difficulty retaining moisture.


If you have curly hair with low porosity and try this method, you risk your hair being soft and greasy and experiencing a lot of product buildup.

If you try the LOC method and find it weighs down your hair (for example, if you have loose waves or fine hair), then you may want to layer the product and style your hair into a bun or braid during the day or night.

How To Do The LOC Method?


The method is easy to incorporate into your routine, as it involves using products you probably already have and simply changing the order in which you apply them to your hair. If you want to start using the LOC method, all you really need to do is follow the application order provided in the method. It's not that hard, here's how you need the do LOC method:

Step 1: Leave-In Conditioner (or Liquid)

We recommend using a moisturizing water-based leave-in conditioner on cleansed hair. If hair is completely dry, part hair and re-moisten with water. This is easier to do if you have a spray bottle and bobby pins handy. Many women choose to use water from a spray bottle for this step.


Remember to apply evenly to every part of your hair from root to tip. Make sure to give extra love to the ends of your hair as they are the most original and driest part of your hair. A water-based conditioner will provide the moisture that freshly cleansed hair desperately needs. Also, the amount of conditioner you should use will depend on the length and thickness of your hair.

Step 2: Oil

Next, apply a thin layer of oil to your hair to help lock in moisture. The viscosity of the oil determines how thick the barrier it forms around the hair, and each hair type needs something different.


Hair oils formulated with emulsifiers are ideal for this step, as this means the oil will mix with the water and provide moisture, rather than just sitting on top of the hair shaft like regular oils.

Hair with low porosity means light hair, while hair with high porosity means thicker hair, and hair with normal porosity is somewhere in between.

♦ Suggested oils for high porosity:


Castor oil

Olive oil

Coconut oil

♦ Suggested oils for normal porosity:


Jojoba oil

Grapeseed oil

♦ Suggested oils for low porosity:


Camellia oil

Avocado oil

Argan oil

Step 3: Cream

When your hair is fully water-based and oiled, you're ready for the final step of the LOC method: apply a creamy butter-based moisturizer to your hair to lock in moisture. This cream also provides hold to your curls, so choose a styling cream that suits your style and volume.


If you have high porosity, adding cream at the end helps prevent moisture loss and closes the cuticle to ensure your newfound hydration. Your hair will still absorb some of the creams, but the oil will stop the hair from absorbing too much.

After applying, let your hair air dry - unless it's cold outside or you're in a hurry, in which case you can use a diffuser. Diffuse only until hair is about 70% dry. If you stick to 100%, you'll be left in the middle of the frizz.

The end result should be that your hair is hydrated, clear, and lasts for days. In other words, your hair should look fluffy.

FAQs About The LOC Method

1. Can I do the LOC method every day?


Technically, you can use the LOC method to apply hair care products after each wash. But remember: if you don't clean your hair thoroughly, you may still have a film left over from previous hair care products on your hair, which can interfere with the LOC method's ability to work.

And we do not recommend that you use the LOC method every day, which may increase the burden on your scalp and cause some unnecessary hair problems.

2. How often should I perform the LOC method on natural hair?


How often you use the LOC method will vary depending on your scalp condition, hair type, and how your natural hair relates to the oil. Important: Every time you use the LOC method, you need to start with wet, tangled hair, so it is recommended that you try the LOC method after washing your hair.

This raises the real question: How often should you wash natural hair? This depends on your hair type and lifestyle, and likewise, it affects how often you do the LOC method.

3. LOC method VS LCO method: which is better?

There's always been a huge debate surrounding which method works best, the LOC VS LCO method. It's hard to give you an exact answer. If you are interested in this topic, you can click LOC Vs LCO: Which Method Is Better For Your Natural Hair?  for more detailed information.



Now that you've learned more about LOC, why not give it a try on your natural hair? Don't hesitate, to become beautiful is to please yourself, you have to "start from scratch", and don't miss the last centimeter of your hair! If you find this article helpful, please don't hesitate to share it with those around you! If you have more questions or are interested in this topic, you are eagerly welcome to leave a comment below the article!

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